Campaign Update

Test update

Help American Girl understand why limb difference dolls are so important

– Added integrated auto load next post
– Added temporary signature when not verify
– Added head promo option
– Added cookie notice option and remove recommend cookie plugin
– Added country selection
– Added phone numbner field on shortcode
– Added Facebook sharing action on sign successfull.
– Fixed username not generate when sign
– Fixed add email sendinblue list when user unchecked receive update
– Fixed anonymouse supporter display on shortcode
– Fixed hidden sign section for victory petition
– Fixed check two field name missing last charector
– Update WP Bakery and other plugins

Version 1.6.7
April 14, 2020
– Fixed letter spacing
– Fixed citation, update loading
– Fixed duplicate donation

Version 1.6.5
April 9, 2020
– Added Fundraiding mode
– Added Visitors and Views analytics charts
– Added Fundraising step on submit petition page
– Added show all sign share donate section option
– Added show all decisiton makers name option
– Added time range option on charts
– Fixed Google Sigin
– Fixed citation loading
– Fixed Google recaptcha
– Fixed styling
– Fixed small bugs

25 de junio de 2020


Más actualizaciones...
Manuel Morales
Manuel Morales
Started this campaign hace 6 años

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16,623 necesarios para alcanzar la meta de 35,000
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