Campaign Update

New stretchgoals!

Thank you all for the input regarding the new stretchgoals! 🙂
I just updated them:

• at £25’000 we’ll unlock extra artwork. Watercolour illustrations will be added to the book’s introduction and epilogue. It might even mean beautifully printed endpapers, but I will have to confirm that with the printer.
(It seems only fair to add to the book first, and than think about the extras later.)

Some of you were asking about more witches in the book: unfortunately no, I won’t be adding any. The witches are 29 for a specific reason: they follow the days of the lunar cycle. The writing of the book was planned this way from the very beginning.

at £30’000 we’ll unlock an extra A5 print. I will create a poll in order to choose which artwork to offer as a print (probably in a couple of weeks time, so that I can include the witches that I’ll paint in the meantime as well).

• if we manage to hit £40’000 I will also add a sheet of very witchy stickers 🙂

9 de noviembre de 2018


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