** The [#STOPADANI CAMPAIGN⤡](http://www.stopadani.com/), [Internet Revolution Egypt⤡](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Revolution_Egypt), [To Occupy Wall Street, Occupy The Internet First⤡](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-wallstreet-protests-media-idUSTRE79377W20111004?fbclid=IwAR3_TDwEOo6f4e794NQ–NExIFSrzwieam5LuLn0sDzmhvI4rGvajXjNs), are the instances of the contemporary characteristic of social movements based on the fifth pillar of democracy. During the ongoing pandemic, it is very difficult to gather for any type of physical protest. We have no other way but to campaign in large numbers throughout all the topmost social media platforms (including e-letters) in every possible way.**
**View it at [«Once in a Blue Moon»](https://onceinabluemoon2021.in/)’s [Youtube Channel ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN_YCiXMBfEMpkEqXO56oHg):
[DIGITAL POSTCARD CAMPAIGN #DHFL: SAMPLE VIDEO FOR THE DHFL FD-NCD-SHARE-HOLDERS⤡](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECfBV7zfk74&ab_channel=OnceinaBlueMoon)**
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