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Atheism, Happiness And Miseries Of DHFL FD Holders In A Religious Fundamentalist Regime: a letter to Mr. M. K. Stalin

Respected President of India, Think Twice Before Annihilating DHFL FD, NCD & Share-Holders

Within the regime of plutocratic religious extremism, market fundamentalism, monopoly and crony capitalism in the Indian Republic, we are trying to take our refuge to a different kind of horizontal society, keeping in mind the consequences of anthropogenic glocal (global+local) heating. Our utopia may be depicted as follows,

atheist or otherwise agnostic
caste/class-less or otherwise horizontal
self-reliant (i.e., local resource based; there is no question of FDI)
depending on socially necessary labour
Green economy of austerity by saying no to conspicuous consumption
party-less participatory democracy based on dialogue without manipulation

13 de mayo de 2021


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Manuel Morales
Manuel Morales
Started this campaign hace 4 años

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